27 July, Rintarō Hamaguchi

文字数 3,787文字

My First Kiss

I opened the door to the classroom to find a bunch of high school girls. All these cute girls in a grubby classroom at an all-boys school.
  The sex-change phenomenon. . . . There have been rare outbreaks of this unexplained phenomenon in the last ten years or so. It’s one where, suddenly, males turn into females, and females turn into males.
  Six days ago, everyone in my class turned into girls. It was a rare thing, anywhere in the world, to see the sex-change phenomenon affect an entire group.
  When an outbreak does happen, though, no one really panics about it. That’s because the effects of the phenomenon only last a week.
  As many girls as there were in the class, I had to be one of the cutest. As a guy, I was pretty average, but for some reason, I turned out to be drop dead gorgeous as a girl.
  After class, one of my classmates said wistfully, Our last day of being girls. . . . I’m having one last date with these babies.
  And then, everyone started touching their breasts. It was a strange sight for sure, but hey, on the inside, we were all high school boys. For the first three days, I couldn’t keep my hands off my breasts, either.
  I went up to the rooftop of the school, where there was a pretty girl waiting for me. Silky hair, cool eyes. This was my best friend Tatsuhiko.
  Gosh, she’s cute! I couldn’t believe the girl was really Tatsuhiko. Tatsuhiko was making dreamy eyes at me, too.
  I sidled up next to Tatsuhiko and asked under my breath, You ready, Tacchan?
  Yeah . . . let’s do it.
  Both of us shared a dream, which was to have our first kiss with a really cute girl. So, we decided to kiss each other before we turned back to our usual selves.
  We would have preferred not to, since we were best buds and all. But there was no telling when we would ever have the chance to kiss such beautiful girls. We went back and forth about it for a full six days before we finally came to a decision.
  I drew Tatsuhiko closer in my arms. And then—Tatsuhiko’s shoulders started bulking out. I let out a yelp.
  You’re turning back!
  The sex-change phenomenon was ending sooner than we expected. The girl’s delicate face became more angular, and her thin brows like scouring brushes.
  Tatsuhiko flew into a panic.
  Kacchan, you’re like 60% back!
  My busty chest flattened out, and I felt the usual bulk between my legs.
  By the time the word was out of my mouth, the old Tatsuhiko was standing in front of me.
  With a troubled look, Tatsuhiko said, What’re we going to do, Kacchan? We’re completely back to our old selves.
  It’s not too late! Quick, while we still have the afterimage of us as girls in our heads!
  Afterimage. . . ? Can we really?
  We can and we will!
  I went in and kissed Tatsuhiko smack on the mouth.
  The instant I felt Tatsuhiko’s lips on mine, I learned two important lessons in life.
  Once you decide to do something, just do it. And, you’ve really got to have some lip balm handy.

Translated by Anonymous/Arranged by TranNet KK

Rintarō Hamaguchi
Born in Nara Prefecture, 1979. Made his literary debut in 2010 with


(Again), which was published in paperback as



(Once more), for which he received the Special Prize at the 5th Poplar Publishing Literary Awards. As a broadcaster, he has written for



(Be-bop! High heel), among other shows. His works include








(A confession on the 22nd year: I am the murderer),



(Teacher of the closed school),


(New rice),




(Dad is a Youtuber), among others.




  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み